The Tokyo-based artists will give a sample of their unmistakable style on 14 November at Warsaw's Progresja, 15 November at Gdansk's B90 and 16 November at Krakow's Kwadrat. They sold out Hydrozagadka in 2023. At Mystic Festival 2024, they won a sea of new fans. This autumn they will conquer three big clubs. Hanabie are a novelty. Their mix of blaring electronica, kawaii sweetness and various strains of metal draws attention. Live, even more so.
Hanabie can offer a danceable beat and a deafeningly heavy metalcore riff. They are sweet, and at the same time they dent the floor. Listening to their music, you immediately know they are from Japan, but they sound like no one else. Hanabie are stealing more and more hearts – yours will probably be too.