Koncerty v ČR ČR Praha Brno Plzeň Olomouc Ostrava

Zuza Wiśniewska
bře. 13

Zuza Wiśniewska

ul. Piotrkowska 12, Kielce


Informace o akci

Zuza Wisniewska will visit Kielce with her album Ortolan.

When asked what she likes about Poland, Zuza Wisniewska decided to record Ortolan, an album that ponders the subject in many ways. Under the bird metaphor are old poets, young alcoholics, lost young women, lonely men and even football fans, among others. Ortolan is a performance for two loopers, electric guitar and ukulele. The event consists of original lyrics, a good dose of humour and a range of musical inspirations. The artist will be accompanied on stage by Mariusz "Oziu" Orzechowski. The artist will be accompanied on stage by Piter Pucułek – guitarist leader of the Tom Holder band. Winner of the individual prize for the best performer of the 14th Great Fire Festival. He has collaborated with such artists as Zincboy, Jakub Chomiuk and Danteek.
